Runrunlive podcast research update: Does athletic tape work?

In this week’s update, I give a verbal summary on whether athletic tape that you see on runners and athletes – the brightly colored tape – works to improve recovery or performance. You can also read a verbal report here.

Or you can listen to it here: I’m at the start, right after the intro music:

The runrunlive podcast really is an excellent running information and edutainment resource and has a massive back catalogue. Well worth a listen if you haven’t already tried it.

Lies, damned lies, and fluorescent athletic tape

Kinesio tape

My second blog post for Kinetic Revolution is here. In it, I discuss the evidence for, and possible benefits of using the athletic tape that you will have seen plastered all over the competitors at the London Olympics. Take a look at the post over at Kinetic Revolution to see what I have to say about it.

But don’t forget to come back!