Guest blogpost at Profellow – Tips for applying for a Fellowship


Back in 2009 I was a Japan Society for the Promotion of Society Fellow based at the National Institute of Mental Health in Tokyo. The application process for Fellowships like this can be a bit tricky, but the payoff in the experience and contacts you gain is enormous, both professional and culturally. In this guest blogpost at, I outline some tips for getting through a Fellowship application process. I hope you find them useful.

What can I help you with?

Welcome, and thanks for looking me up.

I’m interested in helping you to meet your potential. To help you unblock your path to what you want to become. To help you to identify how you want to live your life, and to help you move towards that goal. To help you to progress your career aims. To support you in your sporting adventures, or to help you to get and keep the exercise habit. You’re getting the idea, I hope.

But this is less about ‘fixing’ you. My approach is more about identifying your strengths and what is important to you. What makes you tick. What you value most, and what gets in the way of you living life according to those values. From there, we can start to work on the thoughts and feeling that keep us stuck in places we don’t want to be, and make us avoid the very experiences that might help to free us to do the things that satisfy us the most.

If you want to go ahead with working with me after an initial assessment meeting, a series of appointments can be arranged. In the first instance, up to six sessions of coaching can be planned to suit your needs – we can discuss your needs when we first meet and review as we go along. Usually meetings start off with weekly appointments for 30-45 minutes. If face to face meeting doesn’t really work for you – or if you’re not based in Wellington or even NZ, we can talk about how to make it work. That might be through phone calls, internet messaging, or via Skype for example.

For those of you who want more details about the nuts and bolts of how I work, I take a pragmatic approach to coaching and I try to tailor my approach to fit your needs at this point in your life when you think that coaching might be useful. Over the years I have learned from various helpful therapeutic approaches, which I integrate within a systemic framework. I am well-practiced in narrative therapy, solution-focused therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy , and acceptance and commitment therapy approaches.

As a Clinical Psychologist (I have a current practicing certificate from the NZ Psychologists Board), I have professional qualifications enabling me to apply principles of psychology to behavioural, physical, and emotional problems. I am able to help by using this knowledge to understand a person’s current dilemmas, taking into account their past experience and future plans and hopes. I’m also a Health Psychologist and undertaking further training to become a Personal Trainer – all that helps too.

You’re welcome to leave me a message here – and I can message you back as soon as I can.